
“The web of life both cradles us and calls us to weave it further.”

— Joanna Macy


Ecopsychology is the psychology of human interdependance with nature. Ecopsychology advances our understanding of the human mind, emotions, behavior, and identity in the context of the natural world, other species, and the global environment. An ecopsychology paradigm draws from many sources including science and research, psychotherapy theories and practices, environmental ethics, literature, the arts, and spirituality.

Thomas Doherty is a leader in ecopsychology—and a bridge between the world of academia and scientific research and the world of therapy and social action. He is the founding Editor of the journal Ecopsychology and Coordinator of the Ecopsychology in Counseling Certificate Program at the Lewis and Clark Graduate School of Counseling.  Thomas helped author the American Psychological Association’s report on the Interface Between Psychology and Global Climate Change.


Ecopsychology Applied: A Sustainable Self

In his work, Dr. Thomas Doherty uses the concept of personal sustainability to move environmental ethics from the abstract world of ideas to individuals’ day-to-day life and to provide a positive and exciting way to think about personal and collective health. Viewing one’s identity through the lenses of ecology and sustainability allows for an experience of being embedded in the earth’s larger natural systems and cycles. Aspiring to a “sustainable self” means finding harmony between self image, physical needs, the natural world, and the other beings that live on this planet.

For an example of how Dr. Doherty helps people apply ecopsychology in their lives take his Personal Sustainability Inventory. For examples of Thomas’ talk and work with organizations, see the Talks & Workshops page.

See a list of Ecopsychology publications